Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Wings

There's a lot of things to love about 'The Wings' Bike Shop, best of all how it's not called 'Wings Bike Shop', which would make sense, but 'The Wings', as if it was a Noughties rock band (The Killers, The Rapture etc.). A great commentary from Mr. Waffles & Steel below:


  1. Actually, it's called "The Wing's" with a possessive apostrophe, like the shop belonged to an aircraft component?

    Thanks for the link to the funny commentary.

  2. Think that mean's it's Mr Wing's Bike Shop? Or typo on Wong?

  3. The Wings' Bike the shop an aircraft component.Thanks for sharing.

    seo europe

  4. i disagree with you guys... it's called wings because the owner Mr. Awyeung is a Campagnolo fanatic... and as you know the early logo of Campagnolo shows a bike skewer with wings. Mr. Awyeung told me that himself.

  5. Good knowledge Mr Anonymous- that's very impressive you manged to get a conversation! Though didn't his shop burn down, or, as they say in Glasgow, go on fire?
